Relieving an employee or a group of employees often involves stress on both sides. Even such a difficult process can and should go so as to ensure that a dismissed employee is able to find their place in the labor market as quickly as possible. This is in the interest of every business, because a dissatisfied employee can cause great damage to the image of the former employer.
In response to your needs, we suggest using our outplacement offer, which includes training for a laid-off employee covering such elements as: employee potential analysis on the labor market, job search, job matching - CV correlation with job offer, interview presentation whether free retraining courses available on the market.
Agencja Zatrudnienia
Agencja Pracy Tymczasowej
Office Legnica
Pl. Wolności 4 budynek AB pokój 105
(entrance from ul. Anielewicza)
59-220 Legnica
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 - 16:00
Dział Rekrutacji Polskich:
Tel. +48 789-183-601
Dział Rekrutacji Ukraińskich:
Tel./Viber +48 517-169-400
Dział Kadr i Płac:
Tel. +48 503-673-881
Dział Handlowy:
Tel. +48 510-408-820
Tel. +48 727-239-268
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